Trading Lies For The Truth:

A Simple Way To Deal With Negative Thoughts.

Welcome back to another issue of The Kaizen Club newsletter.

Each week I share one journal prompt to help you grow.

A quick issue this week.

It's been a busy week and time has been limited. But instead of not doing an issue I'm listening to advice from James Clear - I'm reducing the scope to stick to the schedule.

Usual programming will resume next week.

Let's get into this week's prompt.

I was scrolling Reddit the other day and came across this interesting journalling exercise in the comments.

It was too good not to share.

Deal with negative thoughts by just simply asking:

"What if the opposite was true?"

It's such a simple way to deal with negative or irrational thoughts.

Answering the question makes you think more objectively. So you can ask yourself "Is this negative thought actually true?"

Try it out the next time negative thoughts come knocking.

To make it easier, I've made a template for you to use. You can download the template by clicking here.  

Thank you for being part of The Kaizen Club.

We share 1 journal prompt each week to help you grow step-by-step, unlock your potential and shape the life you want.

Until next week.

Stay Thriving,


PS: If you liked this, the best thanks is sharing it with your community and encouraging friends and family to sign up for these weekly messages.