Are You Setting Realistic Expectations for Your Day?

Here's How to Do It Right

Do you set realistic expectations for how much you can get done in a day?

Like me, I'm sure you've started your day with the positive intention to get everything on your to do list done?

Flash forward to the end of the day and you didn't complete the list, leaving you feeling:

• demotivated

• demoralised

• deflated

The mistake we make is that we forget time is infinite, but humans are finite.

There's only so much things we can do in a day.

What you need to do at the start of the day is ask yourself:

"What would it mean to be done for the day?"

Asking this question makes you take a step back.

It shifts you from trying to finish an endless to-do list to a focused, achievable goals. It helps you prioritise what truly matters, meaning you end your day with a sense of accomplishment rather than frustration.

So how can you apply this in your daily life?

Start small:

Start by identifying just one or two key tasks that would make your day feel like a win.

This could be finishing a work project, having a meaningful conversation with a loved one, or dedicating time to a personal hobby.

Be specific:

Instead of vague goals like "work on the report," define what done looks like.

For example, "Complete the first draft of the introduction and methodology sections."

Consider your energy levels:

Recognise that what you can do varies day by day.

Plan tasks that are doable with the energy ypu have today.

Remember, the goal isn't to do less, but to focus on what truly matters.

By setting realistic expectations and defining what "done" looks like, you're more likely to end your day feeling satisfied and motivated to tackle tomorrow's challenges.

I came across this week's prompt from Oliver Burkeman's newsletter. If this resonated with you, check out his book Four Thousand Weeks. It will give you food for thought on how you view productivity.

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We share 1 journal prompt each week to help you grow step-by-step, unlock your potential and shape the life you want.

Until next week.

Stay Thriving,


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