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  • How are you complicit in creating the conditions you say you don't want?

How are you complicit in creating the conditions you say you don't want?

How are you complicit in creating the conditions you say you don't want?

Let that question sink in.

Did it hit you like it hit me?

Tim Ferris mentioned this question in his latest podcast.

Sometimes, in life we can be part of our problems.

We get so caught up in finding the solutions for them that we don't see how we might be part of the cause.

Self Sabotage: A Real life example

In November 1911, Robert Scott set out on a race to be the first to reach the South Pole.

Robert was a man who held himself to high standards.

Often pushing himself to limits that some would call self punishing. So his plan focused on doing as many miles as possible each day. But unlike Scott, his team couldn't keep up with his high standards. With little time for rest and recovery his team suffered with injuries, illness and death.

Unknowingly, Scott was part of the problems he was facing on the race. His intense efforts led to the injuries, illnesses and deaths that slowed him down. Ultimately costing him the race.

Obviously, our problems aren't going to put lives at risk. But we might be complicit in making them worse. Asking yourself this week's prompt can help change your perspective on your problems. Help you see if you're contributing towards them.

If you find you're part of the problem, it changes the decisions you make. You start to think of better, more effective solutions.

Take five minutes today.

Think about a problem you're facing.

Sit quietly and ask yourself:

"How am I helping to create the situations I say I don’t want?"

Be honest with yourself.

Think about one small way you might be letting things happen that you don’t like. Then take just one step to change it.

Let me know what you discover!

Your breakthrough might inspire others too.

Until next week,

Stay thriving,
