What would your future self tell you right now?

Ever wondered what advice your future self might give you?

Sometimes life gets busy, and we forget to think about where we're going.

But thinking about what our future self would say can be really helpful.

Welcome to The Kaizen Club newsletter.

Each week we'll be sharing one journalling prompt to help you grow.

Imagine everything in your life has gone just the way you wanted.

You've reached your goals and overcome challenges. Now, think about what advice your future self would give you.

Maybe they'd say not to worry so much and to try new things.

Or they might remind you to take care of yourself and keep a good balance in your life.

Think about your dreams and what's important to you.

What can you do today to make your future self proud?

Your future self might tell you to keep going, stay strong, and stick to what you believe in, even when things are tough.

Listening to our future selves can help us make better choices and feel more focused and happy.

So take a moment to answer this week's prompt and journal on:

What your future self would say to you right now?

Let me know how you find this prompt.

Thank you for joining us again at The Kaizen Club

Stay tuned for weekly insights and inspiration to guide you on your journey of growth and self-discovery.

Stay Thriving,


PS: If you enjoyed this message, the greatest thanks I can get is sharing it with your friends and family and encouraging them to sign up for these weekly prompts.