Discover How to Find Daily Joy with This Simple Prompt

It's a bright and sunny Sunday morning.

It's supposed to be a warm day today but in England anything is possible. Let's hope for the best anyway.

I realised the other day, I like to collect journal prompts like rich people collect watches. The only difference is I actually use what I collect.

Here's this week's prompt that I'm adding to my collection. Carry on reading to see why I've added it to my collection:

Life can be stressful at times.

Especially during the summer. It's school holidays and the weather is amazing.

So it can be hard to balance everything while trying to keep on top of work and personal commitments.

Sometimes it can feel like trying to assemble Ikea furniture while wearing oven mitts and instead of an Allen key you've got a rubber chicken.

So when I came across this prompt in Mike Thompson's newsletter, it reminded me of the importance of looking for moments of happiness in each day.

What's one thing you can do each day to find a pocket of happy?

Mike talks about the importance of planning time in your day to do something small that makes you happy. Something you can do to help carve out a moment of happiness between all the stresses of modern life.

It doesn't have to be big.

It can be as simple as sitting on a park bench and just enjoying your lunch.

Doing this helps give you something to look forward to at the start of the day and something to reflect on at the end of your day.

I'm planning to use this prompt as part of my morning journalling. I think it'll help make me more proactive about planning time to do something I enjoy at least once a day.

Thank you for being part of The Kaizen Club.

We share 1 journal prompt each week to help you grow step-by-step, unlock your potential and shape the life you want.

Until next week.

Stay Thriving,
