How To Conquer Your Fears In 3 Steps

In 2004, Tim Ferris was working non-stop 14 hour days to maintain his business.

His dream life had become a nightmare.

Sure he was earning lots of money. But it relied on him running the business 14 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Fear was holding him back.

He feared without his watchful eye, the business would fall apart.

Fast forward 1 year later and Tim was in the middle of an 18 month around the world vacation.

What changed?

Welcome to The Kaizen Club newsletter.

Each week we'll be sharing one journalling prompt to help you unlock your potential.

Tim realised his fears were holding him back.

He realised his imagined fears were worse than anything that would actually happen.

Not just that.

He realised he would be able to bounce back from even his worst case scenario.

It was a simple 3 step journalling exercise that helped him get over his fear.

Tim calls it Fear Setting.

Here's how you can use it to get over your fear:

Step 1- Face Your Fears

• Define all your fears on taking action

• First make a note of any worst case scenarios

• Then make a note on how you could prevent or repair each action/scenario

• Once you've done all this, rate the impact of each scenario between 1-10 (1=minimal impact, 10= Significant impact)

Step 2- Visualise Success

• Write down the positives of taking action

• What would success look like?

• What would partial success look like?

• Once you've done all this, rate the impact of each scenario between 1-10 like you did in step 1

Step 3: Visualise The Path of Inaction

• What's the cost of not taking action?

• List the costs of not taking action over 6 months, 1 year and 3 years

• Make sure to note any potential emotional, physical or financial costs.

Why does this work?

Fear setting helps to create clarity between your thoughts and reality.

As Seneca said

"We suffer more often in imagination than reality"

Through doing the exercise, you're able to have an objective view on taking action.

Helping you see:

• The cost of doing nothing

• The worst case scenario isn't that bad

• The benefits of having even a partial success

What action are you fearful of taking?

Try doing the Fear Setting Exercise and see if it really is that scary in reality.

You'll be surprised at what you discover

Thank you for being a part of The Kaizen Club.

We're dedicated to bringing you 1 journal prompt to help unlock your potential one step at a time.

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Stay Thriving,
