Can Making One Decision Really Simplify Your Life?

I came across this week's prompt while listening to a podcast on my drive home from work yesterday.

I thought it was too good to hold back until next week. So I rewrote this week's issue for this prompt.

What is the one decision that can remove one hundred decisions?

When I got home I found the article Tim Ferris wrote about this question.

Tim has an eloquent way of explaining the idea behind this question which I can't do justice to, so you can find the original article here.

Most people think you need to add things to optimise. But subtraction is where real optimisation is found.

This question helps you optimise by shifting your focus from addition to subtraction.

I'm planning on spending some time this week looking at where I can make one decision to remove more decisions.

One way I'm thinking of applying this is to my weight loss goal.

I've been lazy recently and maybe that's due to decision fatigue. I'm planning to see if there are simple decisions or principles I can follow that will help me keep consistent and keep losing weight.

Take 5 minutes this week and see if you can find 1 decision in your life than can remove 100.

You can use this free template to help you journal on this.

Thank you for being part of The Kaizen Club.

We share 1 journal prompt each week to help you grow step-by-step, unlock your potential and shape the life you want.

Until next week.

Stay Thriving,


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